Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Food Storage and Dinner Calender

We've been pretty busy lately with a couple of projects! We decided that a really good way to save on money and to make sure we are eating healthy would be to make a dinner calender for each month. It took lots of work to find all of our favorite recipes and ones we want to try, put them on small cards with ingredients included, and arrange it all on the bulletin board. But we are very excited and glad we finally got this done!

We've been doing a bit for our food storage too. We really didn't start it when we were living in Idaho Falls, but we've decided to really try hard to get it up and going! It's not all organized and in the containers yet, but here's what we've got so far!

These are really nice for storing cans, as long as they are the same size as Campbell's soup! :)


Cathy said...

Way to go, Melissa and Brandon on getting yourselves so organized and prepared (kind of reminds me of a scripture in the D&C).
Aunt Cathy

Emily McKinney said...

Craig and I have been trying to do that too. You guys are awesome. That would be so awesome if Craig would help me make the menu for the month. Even the week!